Local Attractions - Walking


As one of the most unspoiled regions in the country, the Scottish Borders offers the chance to enjoy the outdoors - whether walking the hills, hiking through the glens or rambling in the countryside. There are a number of long-distance routes that traverse the area - namely the Southern Upland Way (212 miles), St. Cuthbert’s Way (62 miles) and the Borders Abbeys Way, a new circular route linking the four Border Abbeys on foot.

For a shorter walk, there are numerous routes in the surrounding area, taking in nearby Lindean Reservoir, the Eildon Hills and river routes along the Tweed and in the Yarrow and Ettrick Valleys.

Whilst many areas offer rights of access to walkers, please remember to show consideration for the land and surrounding area by practising the country code. Fasten all gates and keep dogs under close control, leave livestock and machinery alone and keep to paths where possible.

family walking

A stroll in the countryside

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